I also enjoy the culinary arts more than the sportive variety, which is what I was doing when this particular thought came to me. There I was eating a voluptuous pollo asada burrito at a local Mexican restaurant, when I noticed a gentleman in a booth ahead of me wearing a baseball cap. Of course, that is not altogether interesting, as an incredibly large percentage of the population wears baseball caps. However, one aspect of this particular hat struck out at me – the official logo of the NFL emblazoned on the back.

I then began to wonder why only baseball’s headgear has crossed over into the mainstream, and to such a degree that a competing sporting activity would use such disparate equipment to advertise its own brand. You certainly don’t see the average Joe wearing a football helmet to a burrito joint. In fact, the notion of such a thing is quite silly, and that’s when it hit me. As one of the least athletic sports out there, it only makes sense that baseball’s equipage would serve the general populace just as well as its grossly overpaid players.

Some might argue that I’m being overly harsh or point out that I’ve been known to attend a game or two during the season. However, in my defense of the latter, I’m always more interested in the people-watching and overpriced hot dogs and beer. True, baseball does require talent, just not so much of an athletic variety – sort of like golf. And this is exactly why the baseball cap makes such an appropriate cranial accoutrement for the general masses.
In closing, I will admit that like many baseball players, I could also stand to lose a few pounds. However, until I do, I will enjoy wearing a baseball cap from time to time.
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